vPointerDesktop --- README ----------------------- Version ----------------------- v1.0.1 Linux BETA Version. ----------------------- System Requirements ----------------------- Java(C) is required. ----------------------- Operating Instructions ----------------------- To start vPointerDesktop, you can follow two methods: 1)Using the scritp "start_vpd.sh" USAGE: ./start_vpd.sh [options] Standard options: -max_clents or -mc VALUE maximum number of users simultaneously connected [default 10] -ss_disabled or -ssd disable the ScreenSaver [default] -ss_enabled or -ssd enable (if it's active) the ScreenSaver -help or -h display this help and exit 2) Using the jar file directly USAGE: java -jar iPointerDesktop.jar maxClients isScreenSaverDisabled Standard options: maxClients [int]: maximum number of users simultaneously connected [default 10] isScreenSaverDisabled [boolean]: true if you want to disable the screensaver [default true] Thanks! vPointerDesktop Designed by Stefano Garzarella stefanogarzarella[at]gmail.com http://www.eurograficasrl.it/stefano/vpointer.html